Your support really matters
Every donation St Andrew’s receives, however large or small, goes towards the work of St Andrew’s – its ministry, mission and the maintenance of the church. Like other Church of England churches, St Andrew’s has to generate its own income – and that comes principally from the generosity of its parishioners and supporters.
Whether you make a single or regular donation, do consider making your donations go even further. If you are a UK tax payer, by using GiftAid St Andrew's can claim back an extra 25% tax from the government. You will be given the option to Gift Aid your donation when you make an on-line gift or recurring donation, or you can return a paper form to us which is part of the Standing Order form below.
how to give financially to St. Andrew's
Leaving a legacy to St. Andrew's
A gift in your will can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, can help keep your local church alive and also transform its future. For more information on how to leave a legacy to St.Andrew's and to read our PCC policy on legacy gifts, click here.