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new to church?

Want to know more about Christianity?


We would love to talk to you about our faith and answer any questions you have. Please speak to any member of the team on Sundays, contact our Vicar Shaula on or use the form on our Get In Touch page and drop us a line - we'll call you for a chat!


What happens at services?

When you arrive, there will be people inside the door to welcome you. Feel free to ask any questions you may have including where all the facilities are, and where to sit etc.


Services are led by the Vicar, or one of our authorised worship assistants. Church members read the Bible readings and lead the congregation in prayers (this is pre-arranged - don't worry, no-one will ask you to stand up and lead the prayers!).


Services usually include a short talk from the Vicar or one of the lay ministers.


There will be lots of singing and you should feel free to stand and join in, or stand or sit and listen - whatever you are comfortable with. We generally project the words of the songs onto the screens at the front of the church. At St Andrew's we sing a wide range of music ranging from traditional hymns to modern worship songs.


All ages are more than welcome and we have a creche area towards the front of the church on the right as well as colouring resources if you want to use them.


After the service we serve hot drinks in the Chapter House and would be delighted if you wanted to meet and say hello.


When people leave the church there is a collection plate and a contactless machine at the back for anyone who wishes to help towards the running of the church. Please do not feel under any obligation to contribute.


New to St.Andrew's or Gorleston?

If you are new to St Andrew's, welcome! Just come and say hello - you are sure to receive a friendly welcome and have any questions answered.


If you are new to Gorleston, a very big "welcome" to you - you have discovered a great part of the country. We'd love to welcome you to St Andrew's - let us know that you are new to the area so we can get to know each other!

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